Community theatre as instrument for community sensitisation and mobilisation


  • Ekpe Inyang World Wide Fund for Nature, Cameroon



African traditional system, community theatre, environmental protection, sustainable economic development


Environmental protection, sustainable economic development and good governance are important issues of the century, and theatre can play an important role in addressing them. This paper contends that community theatre is likely to offer a sustainable alternative approach towards addressing these and other current myriad issues confronting the African continent. Recognising that rural communities are proactive agents of change, their exclusion from the design, development and implementation of community theatre activities, coupled with the difficulties in sourcing and securing funding for the promotion of conventional theatre activities, are only a few of the problems likely to be encountered. The paper highlights some of the potential implementation constraints and proposes strategies that could be deployed to effectively develop and establish community theatre as part of the African traditional system with a view to influencing change at all levels of the community in particular and the nation at large.


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Author Biography

Ekpe Inyang, World Wide Fund for Nature, Cameroon

Ekpe Inyang worked for the World Wide Fund for Nature and Wildlife Conservation Society, served as a consultant to the German Technical Agency (GIZ) in Cameroon, and is currently the Capacity Building Advisor, and doubles as Education for Sustainable Development Team Leader, of WWF Cameroon


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How to Cite

Inyang, E. (2016). Community theatre as instrument for community sensitisation and mobilisation. Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 53(1), 149–159.



Research articles