Narrative authority in J.M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron


  • Ian Duncan University of Chicago, Chicago, United States



“ek- stasis”, authority, alterity, storytelling


This paper explores the complex nature of narrative authority in J.M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron, set in an apartheid South Africa at a moment of extreme political crisis. At first glance, it seems as though Mrs. Curren’s ability to comment on and judge the events of the Emergency is constantly undermined, as Coetzee appears to deliberately place her in a marginalized position that cannot claim any real authority over the events she witnesses. However, reading the novel through the critical lens of Coetzee’s 1996 essay on Erasmus’ In Praise of Folly, it appears that in this novel Coetzee is in fact in search of a position from which one may tell the truth from the outside, without inserting oneself into the rivalrous binary of political oppression and resistance that implies an unavoidable taking of sides (i.e. that of Folly itself). In the end, however, Coetzee is forced to admit that this privileged position of objective truth-telling may not in fact exist, that it is only through the subjective discourse of storytelling – a discourse, however, that is no less authoritative for its being a wholly personal act of witnessing – that one can speak the truth.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Duncan, I. (2006). Narrative authority in J.M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron. Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 43(2), 174-185.