’n Interseksionele ondersoek: Godsdiens, feminisme, identiteit en behoort in geselekteerde digbundels





postsecular feminism, religion, belonging, intersectionality, identity, Afrikaans poetry, Dutch poetry


Religion is a common theme in Afrikaans literature. Religious references are used in many ways—during the anti-apartheid struggle it was (for instance) employed to protest the actions of the government in literary texts such as poetry. Similarly, women poets use religion, which is usually associated with patriarchy, as a metaphor for struggles with identity and belonging. Spirituality and organised religion are also shown to be differing concepts with organised religion being the product of society which influences the position of different genders within its stuctures. Spirituality refers to something inherently human related to the individual’s personal belief system. In this article, religious reflections in poetry by three very different female poets will be explored as musings on how religion and belonging to a religious tradition are experienced. This will be done from the perspective of postsecular feminism, which does not revert to binary oppositions when discussing religion, but grapples with it in an intersectional way, as argued by Nandini Deo. An intersectional feminist approach will therefore be utilised to analyse selected poems of Lynthia Julius in Uit die kroes (From the kroes) (2020), of Corné Coetzee in nou, hier (now, here) (2017) and of Radna Fabias in Habitus (2018). Julius, a young black woman, and Coetzee, an older white woman, are Afrikaans poets whose work can be viewed as containing feminist ideas while also exploring the role of religion. Fabias, a black Dutch poet from Curaçao, represents a transnational example where similar themes are explored as in the work of the two Afrikaans poets, albeit from a very different intersectional position. In this article, intersections of, not just gender and race, but also culture, language, politics, nationality, age, ethnicity and identity are considered when understanding a woman’s sense of belonging to a religion.


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Author Biography

  • Marni Bonthuys, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa

    Marni Bonthuys is senior lektor in Departement Afrikaans en Neerlandistiek, Fakulteit Lettere en Geesteswetenskappe, Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland, Bellville, Suid-Afrika.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Bonthuys, M. (2024). ’n Interseksionele ondersoek: Godsdiens, feminisme, identiteit en behoort in geselekteerde digbundels. Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 61(1), 66-80. https://doi.org/10.17159/tl.v61i1.16403