Ondermyning van normatiwiteitsdimensies in die poësie van Loftus Marais: ’n Queer-teoretiese beskouing
https://doi.org/10.17159/tl.v50i3.5113Mots-clés :
Afrikaans Poetry, gay male sex, gay masculinity, normativity, queer theoryRésumé
Although elements of queer experience exist in Afrikaans poetry since 2002, for example in the work of Hennie Aucamp andMarius Crous, a clear shift from gay to queer experience took place with the publication of Staan in die algemeen nader aan vensters ( “In general, stand close to the windows”, 2008) by Loftus Marais. With specific reference to his poetry, the article demonstrates how the eccentric, marginal and oppositional position of various queer subjects, for instance the female impersonator/drag queen, relates to the destabilization of specific dimensions of normativity: heteronormativity, Cape Town as urban space, gay masculinity, the soul//body binary, Christian faith, the gay sadomasochist and the representation of gay male sex in the poetry of Johann de Lange. These aspects are discussed within a queer theoretical framework with a specific focus on the views of queer theorist David Halperin.
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